Come and fly with us we are dressed up for a hunted good
time flying above and through seeds of time haunted garden. Would you like
to join us we can make you a little witch of your own just email us Your
name and colors dress and hair and which broom above you like. and we will give
you one for your email or web pages and join her to our flight !
spooky pumpkin carving
we are having a photo and a on
line art contest for pumpkin carving
our garden festival
here are some great sites for your
real pumpking carvings
and in Paintshop pro you can carve a pumpkin here
photo shop pumpkins
we also have a Halloween Recipe contest
send in your favorite deserts and teats or your favorite magical brews
a Halloween writing contest
send in a Halloween short story the winner will have a special page made for the
story and a post and write up will be on our first page with link to the page.

and Halloween fun photo contest
this isn't what you think lol what you will do is take a photo of your pet or
you can use our gardens cat picture below and go to this site
http://www.faceinhole.com/us/ which
has thousands of holes to put the face of your pet or human in send in
your results for posting and we will do a live pole but all will get credit and
stay up the winning photo will go on our first page of the site Seeds of time
info about site you can make account on site or through facebook all they
want is a user it is a safe site i ahve used it many times then when you log in
just click scenarios do not clcik make your own that is to send in face cut outs
just click scenarios to find pages and pages and pages of fun blanks to use.
if you do not have a pet here is our garden kitty
click here or our cat for full size than right click save

here is one I made of my pup sandy

Love photos send in your fall photos we would love to make a page full of
beautiful fall leaves and scenes we will do another poll and put the winning
photo on our first page