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Mystical Magickal Fairy Garden

In this section of the “Seeds of Time” Garden, we will play, play, and play.  We will learn magickal properties of flowers, we will learn different uses for flowers, and we will play *giggles*; did I already say that?

The Fae Folk can turn anything into fun.  Since it is Spring, and almost time for planting, we will have some planting tips and special seeds to plant that will grow into beautiful, wonderful smelling flowers that us Fae Folk just love to enjoy.  We also love to watch our cousins the butterflies and dragonflies jump from flower to flower to taste its sweet nectar. **giggles** don’t tell them but us Fae also love tasting the nectars from the beautiful flowers especially the honeysuckles…yummy!!

Our whole Garden will change each season, as we grow, harvest and make special gifts. There may be times when we are asked to make special teas *whispers* or potions for special occasions, or make arrangements for center pieces during our Fae Gatherings. But as we do each thing no matter what it is, for sure it will be known that it came from “Seeds of Time” Mystical Magickal Fairy Garden.







Art by Lisa

Copyright 2009, Seeds Of Time ~ The Fairies' Journey

Original Staff and Owners - Lisa, Rosie, And Eva
Nothing may be removed without the express permission of the
the owners