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Interesting Informations About Cats!
Did you know?

All cats are born blind. The ability to see comes during the first pair of weeks after birth!

Cats have fundamental nonfunctional clavicles that allow them to force themselves through tight places and helps them in their balance and stride!

Cats often have a third eyelid that is not generally visible to us. If you are attending it more often - the cat may be ill

Cat sight is similar to humans in daytime, but they can see six times better than us in dim light - owing to larger pupils and the power to collect light at the back of the eye owing to a reflective retinal surface!
Field of vision in cats is slightly compromised for a more binocular vision, that allows them greater depth sensing and ability to judge their prey's position more accurately for pouncing upon them in high-velocity pursuits!

Cats' sense of odour is fourteen times stronger than ours - this means they can smell the odour in the litter box much earlier than us!
Cats' hearing is also very good. They are able to hear sounds of higher pitch than us and dogs. Thirty two individual muscles in their ears allow them to nail the exact position of a source of sound!

The individual aligning of whiskers is unique to all cats - they are like finger prints. Whiskers also allow cats to feel their way in utmost dark and since their span, when fully put up, is nearly equal to cats' body width - it allows cats to judge whether a space or passage is too narrow for them! Whiskers also are usually suggestive of cat behavior. Put up, forward pointing whiskers show that the cat is excited, animated. Whereas laid back whiskers are often seen in resting, defensive conditions!

Cats have sharp pointed teeth that are built for killing prey by suffocation/severing of spine. A cat's teeth are its greatest asset in the wild. Corresponding body size, the elusive Clouded Leopard has the longest canines in the family felidae, whereas the Jaguar has the strongest jaws - I have seen it bite through the shell of turtles in documentaries!




Interesting doggie facts

Interesting Dog Facts - The World Record Breakers!


The Greyhound is the Fastest Dog on Earth and can run 45 miles per hour for short periods of time

The Irish Wolfhounds is the largest dog

The Great Dane is the tallest dog

The Chihuahua is the smallest dog

The St. Bernard is the heaviest dog

The Worlds oldest dog was an Australian cattle-dog named Bluey who lived to the age of 29 years and 5 months!
Amazing Dog Facts - Did you Know...


Barking Sands Beach, on the Hawaiian island of Kauai, is known for its unusual dry sand that squeaks or "barks like a dog."

Two dogs survived the sinking of Titanic

The Great Dane breed of dog originates from Germany!

At the end of the Beatles' song "A Day in the Life", an ultrasonic whistle, audible only to dogs, was recorded by Paul McCartney for the enjoyment of his Shetland sheepdog

When a dog bays at the moon, it is following its basic instinct to call the pack together

Dogs are mentioned 14 times in the Bible

Prairie dogs are not dogs - they're a kind of rodent

The only dog to ever appear in a Shakespearean play was Crab in "The Two Gentlemen of Verona."

Dalmatian puppies are pure white when they are born and develop their spots as they grow older

The Poodle's "haircut" was to improve their swimming abilities. The pom-poms were left to keep their joints warm !
Interesting Dog Facts - Dogs and their owners - Some Amazing Facts! Canine Statistics


There are approximately 68,000,000 dogs owned by people in the United States ranging from mutts, pedigree dogs, exotic dogs and those considered to be cool dogs!

An American Animal Hospital Association poll showed that 33 percent of dog owners admit that they talk to their dogs on the phone or leave messages on an answering machine while away

It is estimated that one million dogs in the United States have been named the primary beneficiary in their owner's will

Approximately 1 in 3 households keep dogs as pets

36% of homes have dogs

85% of dogs visit an animal doctor in a year

There are a total of 157 types of dog breeds recognised by the AKC (American Kennel Club). The Pedigree Dogs

However, there are as many as 800 distinct breeds recognised by various groups world wide

The Top 5 favourite types of dog breeds in the US are:
Labrador Retriever
Golden Retriever
German Shepherd

The Labrador Retriever is the Number 1 type of dog breed in the USA, Canada and UK !

According to a survey done by the American Animal Hospital Association 70% of people sign their pet's name on greeting cards

Based on a life span of 11 years the average cost of owning a dog is $13,550
Interesting Canine Facts - The Origins of Dog Phrases & Expressions


The expression "three dog night" originated with the Eskimos and means a very cold night - so cold that you have to bed down with three dogs to keep warm

The phrase "raining cats and dogs" originated in 17th Century England when many dogs and cats drowned during heavy downpours of rain and when rivers burst their banks. Their bodies would be seen floating in the rain torrents that raced through the streets giving the appearance that it had literally rained "cats and dogs"

The term "Dog Days" dates back to Roman times, when it was believed that Sirius, the Dog Star, added its heat to that of the sun from July 3 to August 11 and created exceptionally high temperatures. The Romans called the period "dies caniculares" or "Days of the Dog."

http://www.dog-names.org.uk/dog-facts-information.htm (source)