a faery story
The naughty woodland fae
One sunny afternoon the fae have enjoyed lots of play and a
delicious lunch and are now snoozing in the garden, the only sound
that can be heard is the sound of our Queen playing her harp gentle
melodies float on the air and the babbling brook rumbles quietly in
the background.
On the breeze a small fae flies in and lands in the garden - she
steals off and hides behind the rose bushes. This litle fae is not
of our Queens' Realm.
Gradually and very quietly she steps from the bushes and looks
around , nobody is stirring so she tiptoes over to Maiden, sees
Maidens beautiful wand and picks it up twirls with glee and fastens
it to her little reed belt. Next she sees a sleeping princess, her
new shoes are glowing emeralds in the sunlight and the little fae is
drawn to the tinkling bells , she picks up a shoe and goes to the
fountain and plop drops it in. Looking about to check she has not
been seen she goes over to FairyPink, who is asleep under the shade
of a large toadstool and quickly unpicks a beautiful bell from Fairy
Pinks petal hat, she puts in her little leaf pouch and moves over to
Calme wynde who has left her drawing book open, she looks at the
unicorns and takes one for herself., fae Gossamer Lily is next and a
lovely bag of pink sprinkles is taken.
The little fae hears the Queens harp and flies up to the window to
take a peak, she watches closely and when Queen gets up for some
refreshing strawbery cordial, she nips in and hides under the
enormous canopy bed.
The fae are beginning to stir and slowly come awake, Maiden gently
rubs her eyes and startled says "oh no where is my wand?", followed
by Princess looking for a shoe, then Pink realises her little bell
has gone and Calme wynde her picture, then Gossamer cries that her
bag of pink dust has gone. oh no.they are cry "Gnomes", just then
Fairy Godmother enters and quietly says "no not our Gnomie he would
never take anything with out permission, and i see no trace of
Gnomes here." Duchess arrives too and the decide that as soon as
queen has woken from her rest we should fly in and tell her.
The fae sit together wondering who could have been into the garden
and who would do this.
Suddenly there is a ring at the fairy gate, DUchess and Godmother
both go over and find a very adjitated older fae at the gate.
"Godmother is that you?" the older fae says. "Dear Godmother do you
remember me?", Godmother smiles and opens her arms and holds gently
the older fae, "yes my dear I can remember when you were a little
fae in the garden, what is troubling you?".(when a fae leaves the
garden she ages like humans do) The older fae says "Oh godmother
one of the Dark wood fae is missing I think she may have flown in
The fae look to one another and Duchess says "well we have had a few
things upset the fae today" "Godmother why is this lady so upset,?"
",well says Godmother the wild forest fae are not like us , they
live alone from young , they have no guidance on what good fae
should do and have to look out for themselves.its a hard life for
them,no Queen, or friends so they tend to be a bit wild and can be
very naughty.".
Just then a screech rents the air, fly fae fly says Godmother go to
our Queen up and up they soar as one and fly in through Queens
window, there they see , a little grubby dirty fae with hair like a
birds next hanging onto the bedpost , hanging onto the fae is Gnomie
and holding onto Gnomie is the Queen, looking very hot and not very
happy. "Whoosh Fairy Godmother waves her wand" they all fall onto
the floor fae, gnomie and Queen on top. the fae lift Queen onto a
seat. and gather up the little fae. "now what have we here , Gnomie
jumps in quick " OUr queen was a being attacked by the mad forest
creature " "now gnomie just wait" says in her gentlest voice, the
little fae starts to cry " i didnt mean any harm you graciousness
lady". "Well who are you?" just then the elder fae explains the
little faes' sad story, "Maiden please take this little one and give
her some food , a wash and some new clothes" Gnomie go and stay with
Princess. and now the court will discuss what is to be done."
The fae leave the room for Queen , Duchess and Godmother to talk,
"well we all agree , i shall ask the fae<!" the fae return and the
queen says " now dears, we have a young homeless fae, who needs love
and guidance, our Duchess is happy to take the little one under her
wing and we would like to give a home to her and to our elder fae
who has returned to us. what is your answer,?" a resounding yes goes
up from the fae. little fae is brought back and is clean as a
whistle and smiling , Queen decides on a name " We shall call you
wildforest fae, she likes that and giggles.
well now it is twilight in the garden the little fae are drifting
off to their beds,alllooking forward to welcoming their new friend
and loving her, and somewhere in the enchanted castle a little
ragged fae is deeply asleep with a full tummy and in the most
wonderful bed ever.
Queen, Duchess and Godmother talk late into the night - all is
peaceful again in the garden.
xx Princess Rosie xx