Now lets see you have been out
shoe shopping and already have 3 empty shoe boxes at
home and don't need another , yes you do.
Shoe boxes make wonderful storage
for items like CDs, stationary, socks , cosmetics , for
keep sakes, for arts and crafts stuff even for keeping
to give /send presents in.
Its cheap and very handy
ok all you need is some shoe
boxes,or any boxes with lids, it's good to have a
variety of sizes and some coloured paper wrap, nice to
choose the colour to match the room the box will be in,
easy eh just cover the box and lid and you are done,

with a twist -
why not cut out pictures from
those glossy magazines we all have stored around the
house, maybe pick a theme say roses , cut carefully
around your pieces and store in a box (see now you
definitely need one), for when you have enough to cover
the lid, sides and box.
Using school glue, paste each
piece onto your box over lap makes for no gaps, press
firmly down, and when completely covered leave to dry.
It must be school glue as this dries opaque. Varnishing
is optional. If you choose to use a spray varnish, its
quicker and much more easy to get an even coat.
When dry you could line the box
with some cheap lining material it will also stick with
the school glue;or some coloured crepe paper /tissue
paper just scrunched up or shredded, stunning for
keepsakes. A theme here is a good idea as one for
weddings, christenings make great gifts for the mums and
dads to put their babies things in. Very handy for
christmas presents too. These inexpensive gifts can look
a million dollars and will be cherished ,
anything goes so start keeping old
bits of lace and beads from jewellery it all helps and
store in your shoe box make; for your next project.