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April project


a great project for this month

ribbon decorated Easter basket

click here


And we also have



eggs, hard-boiled, boiled in a saucepan of water with 1 tbsp of vinegar added
or blown eggs

food coloring in assorted colors

paper towels

plastic wrap

old shirt or apron

Tie Dyed Easter Eggs


This is such an easy way to make tie dyed Easter eggs - and very pretty too.

Boil your eggs or blow the eggs out if you wish to keep them permanently.

To blow out an egg: Poke a small hole in each end of the egg. Use a long needle or skewer to break the yoke. Hold the egg over a bowl and blow hard through one hole until the egg has emptied out of the shell. Rinse with water, let dry, and decorate.

To Tie Die Eggs: Take a paper towel and dampen the towel with water and vinegar, making sure it is just damp.

Place a piece of plastic wrap under the paper towel.

Drip small drops of food coloring onto the paper towel. Allow colors to drop next to each other so





Art by Lisa

Copyright 2009, Seeds Of Time ~ The Fairies' Journey

Original Staff and Owners - Lisa, Rosie, And Eva
Nothing may be removed without the express permission of the
the owners