There are Tulips, Crocus and daffodils too
All patiently waiting for Spring to show through.
Hyacinths, BLuebells and Snowdrops await
their signal from nature , and they just cannot wait
  to join Roses and lavender at the garden gate.
The scent of Spring is coming through
with sunshine and showers to feed them anew
Little heads strive to grow  up so tall
with roots stretching as far as the garden wall.
Throw on your petals little plants  all
and join the fairies at the fairy ball

Are you dancing about gardens  have  a picture? Place it right here
would love to see! ad a photo to the guest book fun and easy.





The Woodland Folk - by Laura Slowe

Within the darkened forest groves,
the wild fae children make their homes,
In trees and bushes, plants and berries
They sing and dance, feast and are merry.
Gnomish figures small and round,
live in the mushroooms near the ground,
Pixies and elves cause mischief and fun,
All of them playing under the night time sun,
Singing their songs of joy and sorrow.
On rocks and trees, in fields and furrows.
When the earth is happy, they are light and gay,
But nature's destruction makes their joy wane
From Happy to sad in one fell swoop,
As the bushes are cut, when the trees are removed
The mushoom  houses crushed by big heavy boots,
leaving gnomish children playing amongst ruined roots.
But you can bring some smiles to the woodland again,
by being the fae folk's human friend.
Plant a seed, a tree or a shrub
feed the birds, nourish the grubs,
be king to the earth, be nature aware,
and the fae will  be happy with ne'er a care.






It is spring in the garden smell the fresh air see the animals awake
fairy dancing nd dusting gardens so many
 little buds are blossoming

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