Greetings your owners and some members where once members of a wonderful women's group called WOSIb "Women of strength and inner beauty " and a wonderful garden within the group The WOSIB Fae
The WOSIB Fae would fly from
site to site spreading
friendship, love, cheer,
magic, and fairy dust all
over the Land of WOSIB! The
WOSIB Fae visited sister's
sites using an anonymous
fairy name leaving little
gifts and words of kindness
to brighten the days of
their WOSIB Sisters.
The WOSIB Fae was started in September 2002 by Garden Fairy Ann. Garden Fairy Ann was the very first Fairy Queen in the WOSIB Garden of Fae! So, you could say that she is our Queen Mum so to speak. :::smiles::: The fairys always ful of love and care big hearts and a lot of fun and even when upset they would leave with really no issue that's how good of people the fae where and still are we will always remember the wonderful Fae of Wosib and the womens group its self with happy hearts! |