Hello we are so happy you have
decided to join seeds of time the fairies Journey
we have few questions for our
records we celebrate birthdays we just want MO and day
we are fluttering about with
joy you are here please give us 24 hours to get you set
you will then receive an email
from staff with your member info and then you are set to
flutter about and join our
groups as many as you wish we have cooking art pets
scribes magick and more.
we only have 4 rules
1 -Respect and be kind to one
another no putting down other members
2 -No nudity we are a child
safe site we might have a questionable adult section for
18 and up in our art forum
3- Respect artists copy right
do not take things from site without
permission and fallow any rules staff or members
have for the use of there graphics (example if a
Sarah makes a cute pixel fairy adoption she says her
rule for use is you need to have adoption
certificate with the fairy on your site with
link back to Sarah's site who made it) if you share
artists graphics be sure to ad there copyright.
for more info on copyright laws or artisit guild and
artists who allow use with copyright added please go
to our art group page.
4- and last Have fun
if you have read and agree please fill
out form below and ready your wings because you are
on your way